We Need Each Other!
During this unprecedented time in history, many people are afraid. Canceled events and social distancing can lead us to feeling hopeless and alone. One of God's purposes for his church is to show his love to the world; to bring comfort and peace to those who would accept it. If you're in need of spiritual or physical help right now, please fill out the form below. We want to help you! If you're doing well and want to help someone else, skip to the next section.
I Want To Help!
Here's a list of items that you can donate to help someone in need:
Paper Items like toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, plastic silverware!
Hand Sanitizer
Non-Perishable Food Items
If you would like to volunteer your time to deliver some of these items, please click the button below to send an email to our coordinator. Be sure to include your contact information!